By Nauticus
February is Black History Month. Now that it’s over you other colors can move from the back of the bus, you’ve had your annual heaping helping of Liberal Jim Crow. We’ve celebrated the skin color of 12% of the American population in a time when the content of ones character is supposed to be more important than the color of a person’s skin. Put the civil rights industry on full alert, Jesse Jackson will soon be done speechifying!
No one is more confused than President Obama. Which half of the month should he celebrate—being half white and all? Since we’re on the subject, he described his grandmother as a “typical white person”,
which, makes him less than half a “typical white” president. Maybe, someday if we have a White History Month Obama can celebrate his other half.
Liberals love things like Black History Month. It gives them a whole month to hate America, stew in guilt, categorize people and promote the use of government power to engage in social engineering—all the
things Liberals relish most. In the old days segregationists forced separate drinking fountains on us. Not to be outdone, Liberals have forced separate months on us, which begs the question: if Blacks overwhelmingly voted Republican in every election would Liberals still celebrate Black History Month?
This is the time of year when our Liberal popular culture oozes with self-righteous lectures about the blessings of “diversity”, “racial tolerance” and how, even though “we’ve made strides, much more work
needs to be done” to end racism in America. They aren’t clear on exactly what more needs to be done but Lady buck$ Oprah agrees that she is oppressed too.
The true civil rights movement in this country has been hijacked by radicals, politicians and Liberals motivated by political and cultural power. The simple goal of equality is no longer a part of the equation. Americans are sick of racial issues and Liberal race hustlers. They’re sick of having racial issues smeared in their faces, shoved down their throats and injected into every political, cultural and educational setting. They’re sick of being threatened, categorized, blamed and punished or rewarded based on race.
Setting aside a month to celebrate one group’s skin color is insulting. Instead of Black History Month let’s have an ‘America is Wonderful Month’—something we can all appreciate and enjoy together.
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