Bob Worsley has a new YouTube video out titled Bob Worsley - "Everywhere" and I have to ask the question, "What is it suppose to tell us?" Watch the video and then I will give you my thoughts.
Now I ask again. What is Bob Worsley trying to tell us in this video? That he is everywhere? So what. Where cares if he is down by the river, or in the middle of the desert or in the car wash. He still isn't telling Mesa voters what his plans to do down at the legislature, how he would balance the budget, protect Mesa voters from the crimes and death committed by illegals.
I want to know his understanding to the constitution, states rights, gun control, education, taxes and a whole lot of other issues. I could care less about him being everywhere. I've been to everyplace he has and so what, so has Russell Pearce.
Little giggles and song may sell items on airplanes, on websites and shopping malls but it doesn't get legislation done.
One other thing, who cares if the Phoenix Chambers of Commerce supports you, that is Phoenix not Mesa.
Get real Bob Worsley, talk about the issues not that you have been everywhere!
Behind Closed Doors In Mesa Arizona - What You Won't Hear From Your Neighbors Next Door.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Bob Worsley Fearing That He Will Look Dumber Than He Is, Refuses To Debate Russell Pearce.
Spread the Word!Candidate Bob Worsley has decided it is not in his best interest to debate his opponent,
Russell Pearce, at the Az. Red Mountain Tea Party!
For the last two months I have offered Bob Worsley the opportunity to debate Russell Pearce at the largest conservative organization in his district, the Arizona Red Mountain Tea Party. Mr. Pearce accepted the invitation without hesitation.
It was not only an opportunity for Mr. Worsley to display and argue his differences but it was a request from the very constituents he will serve if elected to the State Senate. We want to hear from the man who desires to represent us.
Bob Worsley doesn't get it. America is going back to it's roots when voters demanded to hear from those who want to serve them. You see, based on our constitution it is "We the People" or the constituents who are the employer or boss, and not the politician.
Worsley is living in the past when America voted for candidates they didn't know or have time to get to know. That's why our country is in deep trouble. We use to vote every two years and then pray for that politicians were honest. That strategy didn't work and now we are doing our best to change it. Worsley wants people to vote for him even though he won't dare to debate his opponent and argue his positions. That doesn't sound like a State Senator to me.
Bob Worsley says he is a businessman and all indications are that he is successful. If that is the case he surely understands the process of hiring someone and the guidelines for doing so. Potential employees have to go
through an application and interview process. I'm sure Mr. Worsley would never hire anyone who hadn't gone through an entire interview process. As the employer for America, we the people ask no less of him. If Mr. Worsley wants to be hired to represent district 25, he must go through the interview process. He has a serious responsibility to the voters to let them get to know him.
I don't know about you, but I can't vote for someone who is afraid to debate his opponent. The Arizona Red Mountain Tea Party is tough but fair. We held an excellent debate between Matt Salmon and Kirk Adams. It was an amazing success because people were able to see both of them on stage together, debating the issues in front of their constituents. Many people thanked us afterward for organizing the debate for them.
That's how politics were built in America. We cannot rely on television, facebook, e-mail, twitter or you-tube to determine who we will vote for. There is nothing better than a face to face with those who you are interviewing to do a very important job for you. We can't afford to get it wrong any longer. Voting every two years just because of good looks or name recognition has to end.
Unless Mr. Worsley accepts our invitation to a debate with Mr. Pearce at the Arizona Red Mountain Tea Party, I can't vote for him and neither should you.
I ask you to respectfully encourage Bob Worsley to debate Russell Pearce at
the Red Mountain Tea Party by emailing him at
R. Hatch
Does Kirk Adams Still Feel This Way About Russell Pearce?
As the attacks against Russell Pearce continue to increase from the likes of Beth Coons (daughter of Ross Farnsworth Sr., Owner Farnsworth Wholesale Company), Tyler Montague (son of Dea Montague attorney & Senior Operation consultant at Bank of America free checking illegals), Liana Clarkson (teach at Mountain View High School), Jerry Lewis (administrator at Sequia Charter Schools) , Chad Snow (immigration attorney & workers rights), Randy Parraz (fail senate candidate for congress & founder of Citizen for Better Arizona), Caroline Cooper and the left, who are all supporting Bob Worsley, including Kirk Adams and Congressman Jeff Flake.
Here is what Kirk Adams had to say back in 2008 when Russell was under attack. I wonder if Kirk Adams stills feels the same today?
Subject: AZ Republic Article
The Arizona Republic (Phoenix)August 15, 2008 Friday
Final Chaser EditionAs a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, it has been my opportunity to observe and work with Rep. Russell Pearce. During my service in the Legislature I have never observed any language or conduct that even closely approximates the vicious attacks recently levied against him.
Vicious attacks on Pearce unfair
LENGTH: 120 words
The outlandish and offensive attacks are perhaps the low point in the continuing slide toward the politics of personal destruction. As an elected official and a voter I wish to condemn the attacks in the strongest possible terms. We must no longer sit by and allow our political discourse to descend to the depths of something worthy of The Jerry Springer Show.
The voters of Mesa, and of Arizona, deserve better.
-- Rep. Kirk Adams, Mesa
Monday, June 11, 2012
Local Conservative Blogger Rachel Alexander Targeted Telling The Truth
I’ve turned the lights back on here at after “going dark” to help raise awareness about attacks on blogger free speech. Every phone call, e-mail, tweet, and letter you wrote yesterday to elected officials, state and federal government attorneys, and media outlets about SWAT-tings/convicted bomber and lying vexatious litigant Brett Kimberlin/his funders/his online cabal has made a difference. I am told there are now up to 83 congressional representatives who have signed their names to a letter – demanding “thorough examination at every level” of these terroristic crimes and threats – that will be sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday. And I can tell you there’s much more in the works. At every level.
While we continue to speak out and work in front of and behind the scenes to support the bloggers targeted by Kimberlin, I want to call your attention to how speech-squelching progressives have targeted another conservative activist/blogger who needs your attention and help.
Rachel Alexander is a columnist, contributor, attorney, and veteran blogger In 2009, she was named RightOnline’s activist of the year for being a “force multiplier” through her training sessions to get citizens online. She founded her own personal bankruptcy law firm, served in the Arizona Attorney General’s office, and worked in the Maricopa County (Ariz.) Attorney’s Office as a Deputy County Attorney.
In April, the Arizona State Bar suspended Alexander’s law license for six months and one day (the order is here). The order became effective May 10. Less than a week later, she was granted a stay on the suspension as she pursues an appeal. But she’s been hit by another bar complaint as progressive opponents work to destroy her reputation and career.
Why did this happen to the dedicated, outspoken, and unapologetically conservative young lawyer? Her nightmare has all the makings of a partisan political vendetta and witch hunt.
Rachel’s boss at the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office was Andrew Thomas, a staunch law-and-order advocate who tried to clean up corruption in his ranks. Thomas also represented tough-on-illegal immigration Sheriff Joe Arpaio. In gunning for Thomas, the liberal State Bar is trying to claim underling Alexander as collateral damage. Her actual role in Thomas’s attempt to prosecute corruption was minor. Her direct supervisor Peter Spaw, who played a much larger role, has not been targeted by the Bar. founder/veteran blogger John Hawkins, who stepped up to defend his colleague, first recounted the saga last fall:
Thomas ran for re-election in 2008 on a platform of stamping out public corruption with Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Together they decided to take on powerful politicians who had gotten away with corrupt acts for years. Don Stapley, the Chairman of the County Supervisors, raised thousands of dollars to run for president of the National Association of Counties, even though he did not have an opponent. He then spent that money on personal luxury items. Stapley allegedly spent $6000 of these funds at Bang and Olufsen electronics, along with $1300 for hair implants, $400 for candleholders and $10,000 for furniture for his home. He also spent these funds, solicited as campaign money, to buy tickets to Broadway plays and movie theatres. He bought flowers, paid the grocery store and department stores, paid for massages – and paid for family trips to Sundance, to Utah to ski, a trip for his son and friends to Florida and a three-week vacation in Hawaii for his entire family at a beach house costing approximately $11,000.
Thomas brought charges against Stapley and a jury indicted him. Stapley was also indicted for failing to disclose his real estate dealings on financial statements. His business partner, Conley Wolfswinkel, is a convicted felon. Thomas also brought charges against Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox. She was indicted for voting on giving money to Chicanos por la Causa while failing to disclose she had a sweetheart loan deal from them. Wilcox, who drives a 2006 Corvette, gave herself prime real estate territory at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport through the “minority-owned business” affirmative action program.
What happened to those indictments? They were all dismissed. Most of the prosecutions were conveniently transferred to now retired judges – Judge Kenneth Fields and Judge Gary Donahoe, who threw them all out. Donahoe was subsequently forced to resign in disgrace in June of this year. Realizing he could not get anywhere against the corruption in Superior Court, Thomas and Sheriff Arpaio filed a racketeering lawsuit against the supervisors, judges and their legal counsel. The supervisors refused to authorize any outside counsel to assist Thomas with it. Vastly understaffed, Thomas decided to turn the investigation over to the Department of Justice and withdrew the suit.
… Blogging while conservative is not a crime. Fighting against illegal immigration and corruption is not a crime. However, misusing the justice system for purely political purposes is absolutely despicable and the more sunlight that shines in on this issue in Arizona, the more the cockroaches who are persecuting conservatives will start to scatter.
(FYI: In a detail reminiscent of Brett Kimberlin target Aaron Walker’s legal nightmare in Maryland, it was a group of retired judges who were responsible for getting the corruption charges filed by Thomas against the supervisors dismissed. Useful tools, those retired judges, eh?)
Ever since the corruption case was dropped, the Arizona State Bar has waged a selective prosecution war against Thomas, Alexander, and another former Thomas employee, ex-deputy county attorney Lisa Aubuchon. The latest? Aggrieved county supervisors refuse to fund Alexander’s appeal, so she has been forced to file a notice of claim against Maricopa County for $67,000 to cover the legal fees of her fight against the law-license suspension. (The notice of claim is here.)
The free speech implications are alarming. Alexander was served with interrogatories last summer demanding to know everything she has ever blogged or written online between 2005-2010 on any topic, whether anonymously or signed, including comments.
I have uploaded the document and you can read it right here (click here)
I quote from Interrogatory Number 4:
“Please name any and all aliases that you have used in posting, publishing, or sharing any of your opinions on the Internet, including those ins blog entries, during the relevant time period.”
Fishing expedition, anyone?
Renowned libertarian lawyer Clint Bolick (who happened to be a critic of Thomas and Arpaio) has stepped up to serve as a mentor to Alexander as she appeals her case. Another Thomas critic concluded that the targeting of Alexander “is both selective and overreaching.”
Absurdly, one of the blog posts she was admonished over was one she didn’t even write – the John Hawkins post cited above! Arizona blogger Barbara Espinosa exposed the witch hunt:
If that’s not a gross infringement upon her First Amendment right I don’t know what is. Nothing ever happened to the Bar for this gross overreach, and the media never reported it. During the trial, the Bar prosecutors attacked Rachel for posting an article on her website written by a prominent conservative columnist defending her, John Hawkins of Townhall and Rightwingnews.
If that’s not a gross infringement upon her First Amendment right I don’t know what is. Nothing ever happened to the Bar for this gross overreach, and the media never reported it. During the trial, the Bar prosecutors attacked Rachel for posting an article on her website written by a prominent conservative columnist defending her, John Hawkins of Townhall and Rightwingnews.
The toll Rachel has taken as a result of this witchhunt against her has been brutal. Rachel has been told by numerous people that they will not hire her services because of all this, and her bankruptcy business is suffering. An IP address from Maricopa County government was involved with hacking her website last June, getting it banned from Google for months and permanently banned from Google News. Her website traffic went from 4000 unique visitors per day down to 1000 as a result. She developed a stalker during the Bar trial whose harassment about the trial became so threatening she had to get a restraining order against him.
Arizona blogger David Roney added:
Alexander is being charged, despite a long, unblemished record at MCAO [Maricopa County Attorney's Office], solely for her role working on the RICO case. What was her role? She worked under her supervisor Pete Spaw’s direction. [Spaw] was an experienced RICO attorney who, according to my sources, started the drafts of the pleadings, finalized the drafts of the pleadings with Andrew Thomas, and developed the key theories in them. He exclusively dealt with opposing counsel, and filed all of the pleadings electronically. Alexander’s role consisted of mostly research for the pleadings, and taking direction from Spaw, nothing further. Yet Spaw was not charged by the Bar, only Alexander.
Arizona blogger David Roney added:
Alexander is being charged, despite a long, unblemished record at MCAO [Maricopa County Attorney's Office], solely for her role working on the RICO case. What was her role? She worked under her supervisor Pete Spaw’s direction. [Spaw] was an experienced RICO attorney who, according to my sources, started the drafts of the pleadings, finalized the drafts of the pleadings with Andrew Thomas, and developed the key theories in them. He exclusively dealt with opposing counsel, and filed all of the pleadings electronically. Alexander’s role consisted of mostly research for the pleadings, and taking direction from Spaw, nothing further. Yet Spaw was not charged by the Bar, only Alexander.
The real issue here is [an] allegation that Alexander sought to burden and embarrass county supervisors. The allegation is nothing short of hilarious on its face…. The supervisors, with a few exceptions, have done a pretty good job of bringing poor press and embarrassment upon themselves. And they did so all without the help of Alexander…
…digging deeper, the charges against Alexander reek of fulfilling a vendetta for running a political blog, and a conservative one at that. Most of their unfettered discontent comes from blog posts they attribute to Alexander, that she in fact did not write. The Arizona State Bar is anything but a right-leaning organization, and it appears to seek to censor a person with whom they disagree, while leaving others untouched.
Blogger Selwyn Duke came to the same conclusion:
So this is a story of corruption. There is the garden variety, in which those who walk tall and stand against evil are targeted by those who wish to continue enriching themselves. But then there is the kind that is another hallmark of despotic regimes: political persecution. It is a phenomenon of fascism, whereby those who toe your line get benefits, and those who don’t get intimidated into silence or, when they’re too stout-hearted, destroyed. By any means necessary.
Then, once big business and all other prominent people and entities are marching in lock-step, you have complete control over civilization. This is Chicago – and, it appears, Maricopa – politics. And we allow it to stand at our own peril.
Rachel could use any financial support you are able to help provide. You can donate through her Paypal at Spread the word about her case.
As stalwart conservative blogger/activist Elizabeth Crum summed up Rachel’s plight: “What has happened to her can happen to anyone who publicly stands up and blogs with conservative principles.”
Make no mistake: This is just another nasty battle in the Left’s long war to marginalize, demonize, and criminalize conservative dissent. The selective protection of free speech is unconscionable. The freedom to blog is under assault on so many fronts. It has to stop.
The first step in fighting back: Sunlight. Lots of it.
~ For the latest breaking news, be sure to join Michelle’s e-mail list ~
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Tactics Used By The Left To Fight Conservatism
The Blaze put up a piece called Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whoe "Job" Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence and it got me think.
You see Brett C. Kimberlin, who this is about got 50 years in prison for a bombing spree in which he only served 17 years. During that time he got a law degree and when he got out he created a movement called Justice Through Music and Velvet Revolution, both left wing organization fund by the like of George Soros. Mr. Kimberlin through the use of these organization and his left wing friends and the courts have gone after conservative blogger and individual with a vengeance. They used lawsuits, intimidation, false accusations, whisper campaigns and innuendos to shut people up. You've got to read it to believe it.
After reading the story I couldn't help but compare it to what Randy Parraz, Citizens For A Better Arizona, Tyler Montague, Beth Coons, Lianna Clarkson and the Jerry Lewis supports did during the recall election against anybody and everybody who supported Russell Pearce. If you recall, they went after Olivia Cortez with lawsuits, her bishop and Michael Wright tried to intimidate her by visiting her in her home. Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times wrote slanderous stories about, Bruce Ross, Russell Pearce and other supporters. Randy Parraz & Carolyn Cooper used the daughter of one of Russell Pearce's supporters in an attempt to intimidate and humiliate into submission (which apparently work).
You see this is the only way the left can win. They don't have legs to stand on and their arguments don't hold water. To see these tactics in action all you have to do is look around at the campaign tactics being used against conservative candidates and their supporters.
Randy Parraz, Citizens For A Better Arizona and Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times are even at it again, in the Bob Worsley and Russell Pearce. Except this time they are trying not to make it so obvious.
You see Brett C. Kimberlin, who this is about got 50 years in prison for a bombing spree in which he only served 17 years. During that time he got a law degree and when he got out he created a movement called Justice Through Music and Velvet Revolution, both left wing organization fund by the like of George Soros. Mr. Kimberlin through the use of these organization and his left wing friends and the courts have gone after conservative blogger and individual with a vengeance. They used lawsuits, intimidation, false accusations, whisper campaigns and innuendos to shut people up. You've got to read it to believe it.
After reading the story I couldn't help but compare it to what Randy Parraz, Citizens For A Better Arizona, Tyler Montague, Beth Coons, Lianna Clarkson and the Jerry Lewis supports did during the recall election against anybody and everybody who supported Russell Pearce. If you recall, they went after Olivia Cortez with lawsuits, her bishop and Michael Wright tried to intimidate her by visiting her in her home. Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times wrote slanderous stories about, Bruce Ross, Russell Pearce and other supporters. Randy Parraz & Carolyn Cooper used the daughter of one of Russell Pearce's supporters in an attempt to intimidate and humiliate into submission (which apparently work).
You see this is the only way the left can win. They don't have legs to stand on and their arguments don't hold water. To see these tactics in action all you have to do is look around at the campaign tactics being used against conservative candidates and their supporters.
Randy Parraz, Citizens For A Better Arizona and Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times are even at it again, in the Bob Worsley and Russell Pearce. Except this time they are trying not to make it so obvious.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Who Really Is The One Note Piano Player
Recently Bob Worsley put out up a YouTube video suggesting that Senator Russell Pearce was a one note musician with inference that Bob Worsley was a masterful musician who could bring all the notes together and make music we will all find appealing.
I've got to say pretty well done. So lets take a closer look at the masterful musician Bob Worsley and the music he is playing . Lets take a look at the truth of Bob's music notes. Musician Worsley says that he will he will play the notes of Economy, Family, Lower Taxes, Jobs, Cut Spending, Education
Bob Worsley on the Economy - Bob has to do a poll to telling him that people are concerned about their jobs but yet Bob laid off over 40% of workforce at the Showlow alternative fuels Bio-Mass Electrical Plant
Bob Worsley on Family - Bob defend Phoenix New Time in sex crime against kids, yet touts his family values.
Bob Worsley on Lower Taxes - . Bob and wife Christe donate to Democrat Harry Reid, take tax dollars then file bankruptcy on Show Low Bio Mass plant. That's called sticking it to tax payers.
Bob Worsley on Jobs - . Claims he has created over a thousand jobs, but where is the questions. His companies laid off 42% of employees at business in Show Low area. Now has a land and mineral holding company that doesn't employ anybody. At Skymall there wasn't a 1,000 employees, it was a catalog company that took orders.
Bob Worsley on Spending Cuts - Supports those who will raise taxes, Raul Gravala, Harry Reid, Support Primary Property Tax on Mesa Residents.
Bob Worsley on Education - Associate with Saul Alinsky's IAF and the MEA.
Russell Pearce on the other hand is a proven Champion on all these issues and has a track record to prove it. So who is the masterful musician after all?
I've got to say pretty well done. So lets take a closer look at the masterful musician Bob Worsley and the music he is playing . Lets take a look at the truth of Bob's music notes. Musician Worsley says that he will he will play the notes of Economy, Family, Lower Taxes, Jobs, Cut Spending, Education
Bob Worsley on the Economy - Bob has to do a poll to telling him that people are concerned about their jobs but yet Bob laid off over 40% of workforce at the Showlow alternative fuels Bio-Mass Electrical Plant
Bob Worsley on Family - Bob defend Phoenix New Time in sex crime against kids, yet touts his family values.
Bob Worsley on Lower Taxes - . Bob and wife Christe donate to Democrat Harry Reid, take tax dollars then file bankruptcy on Show Low Bio Mass plant. That's called sticking it to tax payers.
Bob Worsley on Jobs - . Claims he has created over a thousand jobs, but where is the questions. His companies laid off 42% of employees at business in Show Low area. Now has a land and mineral holding company that doesn't employ anybody. At Skymall there wasn't a 1,000 employees, it was a catalog company that took orders.
Bob Worsley on Spending Cuts - Supports those who will raise taxes, Raul Gravala, Harry Reid, Support Primary Property Tax on Mesa Residents.
Bob Worsley on Education - Associate with Saul Alinsky's IAF and the MEA.
Russell Pearce on the other hand is a proven Champion on all these issues and has a track record to prove it. So who is the masterful musician after all?
Friday, May 11, 2012
Action Russell Pearce vs Talking Bob Worsley
In the race for Arizona's Legislative District 25 you have two very different choices to choose from. Action Russell Pearce and Talking Silver Tongue Alternative Fuels Bob Worsley.
On the one hand you have Russell Pearce a man of action and services. A man who tells you what he is going to do and then does it. Promises Made Promises Kept. He took on immigration and he told us if the federal government wasn't going to do the job of protecting American worker and families he was, even if that meant taking the fight all the way to Washington DC. Guess what? Russell has done just that and now the immigration issue is before the Supreme Court of the land who will make the final ruling. Instead of me telling you what Russell has done I will let Russell tell you in his own words.
Now we get to Talking Silver Tongue Alternative Fuels Bob Worsley. Now this man may have good intentions and have his heart in the right place to be preach over a Spanish congregation but is he the man to lead us through the next few years. He says we need change but what kind of change. 3 years ago people voted for "Hope and Change" and look where that has gotten us. High unemployment, massive foreclosures, and an unstable economy. Bob Worsley was a part of that hope and change with his and his wife's donation to Harry Reid the Senate President in Washington DC.
He touts Skymall but Skymall was a failure before it was a success and almost cost Bob and others millions of dollars before it had a couple of successful year during which time Bob got out. Then there is the Bio-Mass plant in Snowflake which has never been successful and for which Bob and his wife got millions of dollars in tax credits, sound vaguely familiar to other "so call green companies" under the Obama administration.
Hey, but Bob's a nice guy and has created a 1,000 jobs, that is before he let people go. But for a man who wants to elevate Arizona and Mesa he sure isn't telling us how he is going to do it. Or maybe he does have a plan the Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation plan or maybe the Randy Parraz's plan.
On the one hand you have Russell Pearce a man of action and services. A man who tells you what he is going to do and then does it. Promises Made Promises Kept. He took on immigration and he told us if the federal government wasn't going to do the job of protecting American worker and families he was, even if that meant taking the fight all the way to Washington DC. Guess what? Russell has done just that and now the immigration issue is before the Supreme Court of the land who will make the final ruling. Instead of me telling you what Russell has done I will let Russell tell you in his own words.
Now we get to Talking Silver Tongue Alternative Fuels Bob Worsley. Now this man may have good intentions and have his heart in the right place to be preach over a Spanish congregation but is he the man to lead us through the next few years. He says we need change but what kind of change. 3 years ago people voted for "Hope and Change" and look where that has gotten us. High unemployment, massive foreclosures, and an unstable economy. Bob Worsley was a part of that hope and change with his and his wife's donation to Harry Reid the Senate President in Washington DC.
He touts Skymall but Skymall was a failure before it was a success and almost cost Bob and others millions of dollars before it had a couple of successful year during which time Bob got out. Then there is the Bio-Mass plant in Snowflake which has never been successful and for which Bob and his wife got millions of dollars in tax credits, sound vaguely familiar to other "so call green companies" under the Obama administration.
Hey, but Bob's a nice guy and has created a 1,000 jobs, that is before he let people go. But for a man who wants to elevate Arizona and Mesa he sure isn't telling us how he is going to do it. Or maybe he does have a plan the Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation plan or maybe the Randy Parraz's plan.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Bob Worsley Using Mormon Church To Get Elected, Shame One You!
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Mesa Mormons At It Again! |
The Beth Coon, Kirk Adams, Bod Worsley, Craig Ahlstrom, David Johsnon, Ross Farnsworth, Ken Smith, are at it again using the Mormon Church to push there agenda. Seeing Red AZ
East Valley campaigns: Church, state and stakeMay 4, 2012Politics meets LDS Church organization
Disturbing information is making the rounds regarding a campaign event benefiting Congressional candidate Kirk Adams and Bob Worsley, another recruited opponent to challenge former AZ Senate President Russell Pearce.
This evening’s event is another to be hosted at the home of Adam Decker. Previously, the beneficiaries were Jeff Flake and Peter Principle prototype Kirk Adams. Those orchestrating the events are Jimmy Miller and Dave Johnson, campaign staffers for Jeff Flake, Kirk Adams, Jerry Lewis and Bob Worsley.
The problem arises with the unsavory manner in which participants are recruited for the candidate fun and games. Miller and Johnson are using the Young Single Adult TEXT phone numbers retrieved from the High Groves Ward/Citrus Heights Stake. The text reads: Politics by the Pool: Pie Face Edition! Come Eat Tasty Food, play games, swim, and “PIE A CANDIDATE”! 8 pm Friday @3440 E. Kael St. INVITE ALL!!!
These texts are being forwarded to YSA’s throughout the area, many who do not even attend that specific ward and stake.
This is not the first time the Young Single Adult Church LDS Text/Phone number list has been used for political campaigns. Several of the YSA members have complained that their information, which is supposed to be confined to use for church activities has been misused in this manner. Additionally, only Mormons have been invited, although the candidates are supposed to serve all they represent.
As the young adult invitees walk in the door, most quite naive in the political process, they are recruited to sign their name to precinct committeeman forms, proxies, and candidate nominating petitions. Those who have not previously voted are registered on the spot and asked to endorse the candidates they are to meet.
Jerry Lewis, who was the recruited liberal stooge to run in a farce of a recall to remove Russell Pearce, acknowledged church involvement in his campaign last November.
Bob talking about giving the church a bad name?
Monday, April 16, 2012
Who Is Senate Candidate Bob Worsley?
Have you heard the name Bob Worsley or Robert Worsley or Robert M. Worsley, Robert Merrill Worsley before his announcement to run against Senator Russell Pearce in the newly created legislative district 25 in Mesa Arizona. I hadn't so I thought I would do a little research of my own on him. There is a lot of information on Mr. Worsley if you know where to look.
First off, I have no reason to question Mr. Worsley devotion to his family, friends and religion but I do have reason to question everything else.
Mr. Worsley is best known for founding SkyMall, its is a very interesting story with a very shaky beginning. The company almost didn't make it and one of his first partner Allen Ashton after investing 25 million refused to give him any more money. The company was founded in 1989 and incorporated in Delaware, 1996 the company was reincorporated in Nevada. We can only guess why. At the end of 1996 the company offered an IPO and raise about 14 million. In 1998 Worsley acquire a controlling interest in the company when he purchased Karen and Allen Ashton and Bert A. Getz shares. Worsely left Skymall in 2003.
After Leaving SkyMall, and probably before that (2002), he purchase New Mexico and Arizona Land Company, LLC. The company was renamed NZ Legacy, LLC and has since created a joint venture called HNZ Holdings, LLC after bring on Hunt Oil out of Texas. Theses companies that hold mineral patents and water rights in several Western States.
Mr. Worsley has also tried his hand at renewable energy, creating a 24 megawatt biomass plant in the Snowflake area through a company called Rengy Inc., control by Mr. Worsley. From the outset this biomass plant had problems and eventually file for Chapter 11 in 2010 in an attempt to prevent SRP from cancelling contracts with them. This entire time it appears that Mr. Worsley has continued to hold an interest in this company and in 2009 received tax credits for investing in the company. (Sound kind of familiar SOLYNDRA). This entire thing is kind of shady when you begin to look into it. Someone should really dig into the ownership of all these companies.
As for Mr Worsley politics they seem to be along the lines of I will cross the party lines when it fits me. He has donated to the establishment, probably because of political favors for his companies, he seems for have donated from all of them. He has even donated to Democrat Harry Reid in Nevada. That one really make you wonder.
Stay tuned for more, this work is in process.
First off, I have no reason to question Mr. Worsley devotion to his family, friends and religion but I do have reason to question everything else.
Mr. Worsley is best known for founding SkyMall, its is a very interesting story with a very shaky beginning. The company almost didn't make it and one of his first partner Allen Ashton after investing 25 million refused to give him any more money. The company was founded in 1989 and incorporated in Delaware, 1996 the company was reincorporated in Nevada. We can only guess why. At the end of 1996 the company offered an IPO and raise about 14 million. In 1998 Worsley acquire a controlling interest in the company when he purchased Karen and Allen Ashton and Bert A. Getz shares. Worsely left Skymall in 2003.
After Leaving SkyMall, and probably before that (2002), he purchase New Mexico and Arizona Land Company, LLC. The company was renamed NZ Legacy, LLC and has since created a joint venture called HNZ Holdings, LLC after bring on Hunt Oil out of Texas. Theses companies that hold mineral patents and water rights in several Western States.
Mr. Worsley has also tried his hand at renewable energy, creating a 24 megawatt biomass plant in the Snowflake area through a company called Rengy Inc., control by Mr. Worsley. From the outset this biomass plant had problems and eventually file for Chapter 11 in 2010 in an attempt to prevent SRP from cancelling contracts with them. This entire time it appears that Mr. Worsley has continued to hold an interest in this company and in 2009 received tax credits for investing in the company. (Sound kind of familiar SOLYNDRA). This entire thing is kind of shady when you begin to look into it. Someone should really dig into the ownership of all these companies.
As for Mr Worsley politics they seem to be along the lines of I will cross the party lines when it fits me. He has donated to the establishment, probably because of political favors for his companies, he seems for have donated from all of them. He has even donated to Democrat Harry Reid in Nevada. That one really make you wonder.
Stay tuned for more, this work is in process.
Tyler Montague Is At It Again Telling Half Truths!
Tyler Montague, the Mr. Know It All of Mesa Arizona politics is at it again telling half truth and lies much the same as he didn't in late 2011 during the recall election.
If you recall, during the election of Senator Russell Pearce and (Senator) Jerry Lewis-Parraz you will remember that he first denied the use of the Mormon church in the recall elections before he admitted to the use of the Mormon church in the recall election.
Mr. Montagues repentance for the use of the church reminds me a lot of what John Kerry said once, "I was for it, before I was against it." It also reminds me of President Bill Clinton sitting in the Oval office saying "I didn't have sex with that woman" and we all know how that turned out.!
I guess from Mr. Montague's standpoint a lie is OK if it serves your end.
In his most recent post on Facebook, he talks about the supposed abuse of power by Andrew Thomas and Joe Arpaio and using deputies to intimidate people. If you like you can read the story for yourself here. As one person pointed out, the Arizona Republic's story didn't mention any thing about the use of deputies to intimidate. In response Mr. Montague summarizes in rumor fashion (which is a campaign trick) that he has some insider information but can't go in to details on it. (David Johnson, Beth Coons, Randy Parraz, Chad Snow, Michael Wright, Mary Rose Wilcox, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny)
Mr. Montague insinuates (rumorizes) that he has personal knowledge of three individual, two of which are very public figures who when they made donations to the legal defense fund had deputies show up at their houses. Funny thing is the Legal Defense fund refused to disclose the donors. Lets guess who that defense fund was for, Don Stapley, who is now being investigated by the federal government for some of the very same things the County Attorney Andrew Thomas was investigating him for.
Mr. Montague for all your hard work at attempting to spin the spin I have to give you credit even if it is not completely accurate. It's like the spin on Jerry Lewis not knowing who Randy Parraz was during the recall election or the incidents at the school for the homeless kids and the stolen goods.
If you recall, during the election of Senator Russell Pearce and (Senator) Jerry Lewis-Parraz you will remember that he first denied the use of the Mormon church in the recall elections before he admitted to the use of the Mormon church in the recall election.
Mr. Montagues repentance for the use of the church reminds me a lot of what John Kerry said once, "I was for it, before I was against it." It also reminds me of President Bill Clinton sitting in the Oval office saying "I didn't have sex with that woman" and we all know how that turned out.!
I guess from Mr. Montague's standpoint a lie is OK if it serves your end.
In his most recent post on Facebook, he talks about the supposed abuse of power by Andrew Thomas and Joe Arpaio and using deputies to intimidate people. If you like you can read the story for yourself here. As one person pointed out, the Arizona Republic's story didn't mention any thing about the use of deputies to intimidate. In response Mr. Montague summarizes in rumor fashion (which is a campaign trick) that he has some insider information but can't go in to details on it. (David Johnson, Beth Coons, Randy Parraz, Chad Snow, Michael Wright, Mary Rose Wilcox, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny)
Mr. Montague insinuates (rumorizes) that he has personal knowledge of three individual, two of which are very public figures who when they made donations to the legal defense fund had deputies show up at their houses. Funny thing is the Legal Defense fund refused to disclose the donors. Lets guess who that defense fund was for, Don Stapley, who is now being investigated by the federal government for some of the very same things the County Attorney Andrew Thomas was investigating him for.
Mr. Montague for all your hard work at attempting to spin the spin I have to give you credit even if it is not completely accurate. It's like the spin on Jerry Lewis not knowing who Randy Parraz was during the recall election or the incidents at the school for the homeless kids and the stolen goods.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Bob Worsley Defends Phoenix New Times & Prostitution
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Bob Worsley Support Phoenix New Times |
Bob Worsley, a senate candidate for legislative district 25 in Mesa Arizona defends the Phoenix New Times and it's parent company The Village Voice against an advertising boycott promoted by the radio show Ban Amnesty Now.
Mr. Worsley or Bob, tries to compare this sex trafficking boycott to the boycott promoted by Democratic Congressman Raul Grijalva when he called for a boycott of Arizona over SB1070. You see Bob Worsley is no fan of SB1070 and before he sanitized his profile to make himself more appealing to a larger crowd of people, he was critical of the law and still is. Question, does run for political office mean you have to sanitize?
The Phoenix New Times, it's siblings and parent company account for about 70% of all prostitution advertising in the United States. 48 State Attorney Generals and 19 U.S. Senators on both side of party lines have called on them to stop running these sex ads.
These ads have been tied to sex trafficking and crimes against children. Bob what are you smoking these days, oops you don't smoke, it is against your religion. Investigations of these crimes, perpetuated by the Phoenix New Times have lead to the arrest of more than 50 people in 22 states.
Millions of dirty dollars flow into the Phoenix New Times and it's parent company each year because sex ads. Does Bob Worsley really have a problem with parents, grandparents and Arizona residents protecting their families? Does Bod have a problem bring attention to these sex crimes and the Phoenix New Times, which directly benefit?
Bob Worsley even went on to criticize Dan Harkins and Harkins Theaters for pulling their advertising. Saying that they where bullied into doing it. Bob are you so off the mark on family values that you think a family oriented business would want to be associated with a business who's business model is human trafficking and prostitution? This also goes for Buddy Stubbs Harley Davidson. Bob maybe all these years of gold digging and buying up mining claims has done something to your thought process? Dan and Buddy I applaud you and your business for taking the stand you have.
I will be going to the movies this weekend and I will be telling Dan Harkins thank you. Will you?
P.S. Bob Worsley wants to run a clean and above the board campaign. I think Bob and Sean Noble made a big mistake here in supporting the Phoenix New Times and sex trafficking business model. I will be interested to see what other dirty trick will they pull out of their hat as we get closer to election time. We will just have to wait and see. One thing for sure will be the Mormon card.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tyler Montague's View of Andrew Thomas, Is He Right?
Here is a quote from a Mesa resident who seems to think that he understands what is going on but refuses to see the possible truth about Andrew Thomas's position.
–County employees including County Manager David Smith played in pricey golf foursomes with vendors, in exchange were given lucrative Court Tower contracts. Thomas tried to investigate the Supervisors over the Court Tower.
–Judge who protected the County Supervisors, ruling against Thomas’s investigations, abruptly resigns in the middle of his term with no explanation
–Supervisor Stapley announces he is not going to run for reelection, and won’t even run for Congress – he knows he has no chance since all his corruption has come out
–Arizona Project 2012 Tea Party announces victory at stopping two Supervisors from running for reelection. They had made targeting the Supervisors their #1 priority this year due to all the corruption.
–Engineer in charge of Court Tower project fired (he’s rumored to want to go public about it)
–Several county employees fired or suspended for accepting bribes from vendors on Court Tower
To keep this all in context remember Tyler Montague and his father are the ones who lied about the use of the Mormon Church in the recall election between Russell Pearce and Jerry Lewis.
Wisdom quoted from today's ruling on the Thomas/Aubuchon disbarments: "Encircle yourself with people too afraid to speak, as Mr. Thomas did here, and you are bound only by your own thoughts and potentially–flawed analysis. Ignore those few who are not afraid to speak and advise candidly, as Mr. Thomas did here, and you remain bound by your own thoughts and potentially flawed analysis. Remove all layers of oversight and ethical restraint, as Mr. Thomas did here; “Cry 'Havoc', and let slip the dogs of war…” Julius Caesar Act 3, scene 1, 270–275, Shakespeare. It is a universal recipe for disaster."Here is some information that Mr. Montague may not of had:
- March
–County employees including County Manager David Smith played in pricey golf foursomes with vendors, in exchange were given lucrative Court Tower contracts. Thomas tried to investigate the Supervisors over the Court Tower.
–Judge who protected the County Supervisors, ruling against Thomas’s investigations, abruptly resigns in the middle of his term with no explanation
–Supervisor Stapley announces he is not going to run for reelection, and won’t even run for Congress – he knows he has no chance since all his corruption has come out
–Arizona Project 2012 Tea Party announces victory at stopping two Supervisors from running for reelection. They had made targeting the Supervisors their #1 priority this year due to all the corruption.
- February
- December
–Engineer in charge of Court Tower project fired (he’s rumored to want to go public about it)
–Several county employees fired or suspended for accepting bribes from vendors on Court Tower
- November
- October
To keep this all in context remember Tyler Montague and his father are the ones who lied about the use of the Mormon Church in the recall election between Russell Pearce and Jerry Lewis.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Senator Rich Crandall, Carpet Bagger from Mesa
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Rich Crandall |
Carpet Bagger, refers to a politician who runs for public office in an area where he or she does not have deep community ties, or has lived for a short time.
As reported by azcentral, Rich Crandall with be running after all but not against Bob Worsley or Russell Pearce but in an entirely different district.He is picking up his family and moving from the gate community in which he lives at Brown and Greenfield roads to a place a little further east.
In his new district her will be representing east Mesa, Apache Junction and Gold Canyon. He will be running against John Fillmore. If Mr. Fillmore needs help with information on Rich all he will have to do is ask. I'm sure there will be plenty of people willing to help stop Rich dead in his tracks.
Rich is always at the bottom of the barrel for Republican Values and more times than not he vote for bigger government and less personal freedoms. As anybody that knows him and will say nice things to your face and then stab you in the back just to get ahead in the game.
Rich runs a food nutrition company that is owned on paper by his mother, but in reality is run by him. This is to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest on deal with matters concerning his votes on education. His vote consistently side with the public education system because of his ties and contracts with public schools.
Be very careful of this carpet bagger and snake oil salesman.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Mesa Public School Wants $250 Million From You!
Mesa Public Schools $250 Million Bonds
As reported in the East Valley Tribune, Mesa Public Schools or MPS is looking to hit Mesa's residents with a $250 million bond package for maintenance and repairs. That is Maintenance and repair for it's 87 campuses. If approved by voters, the bonds will be paid back with a tax levied on
on real estate, in other words your home.
Over the years Mesa residents have approved bond package after bond package after bond package. As a result Mesa Public Schools have become dependent on your taxes to sustain themselves. When they are short on money they go to the public trough to cover the shortfall, knowing darn well that you the public will always fund education with out question. Why because they kow we want what ia best for your kids. They play on our emotions.This is not an emotional issue.
While there my be a need for bonds and I do believe they have a purpose, I do not believe that they should be used for maintenance and repairs. If you are going to use credit (bonds) it should be used for something that outlives the payback period and returns something to you.
So before you vote to approve the bonds ask yourself and ask Mesa Public schools these simple questions. 1) What is the money going to be used for? 2) Whats the expected life of the item? 3) What is the payback period and will the item out live the payback period? If the answer to the last question is "NO" then the
vote on the bonds should be "NO"
Think before you vote. Ask yourself would I do the same with my on money?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Senator Jerry Lewis In His Own Words!
What he doesn't want the world to know about his time at Sequoa Charter Schools.
Who Is Rich Crandall kidding?
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Bob Worsley Environmentalist |
Rich Crandall said that he respects his wife's opinion "She saw what they did to Jerry Lewis and his family (during the recall campaign), and she didn't want to go through it".
Little does she know that her husband Rich was behind the attacks on Russell Pearce, Pearce's family and supporters during the recall elections. Crandall worked right along the side of Randy Parraz and Parraz's supporters, attacking everybody and anybody that stood with Russell Pearce. Parraz even took other candidates to court to keep them from talking and to shut people up about the truth.
Come on Rich who are you kidding. "For the good of Mesa, I stepped aside. The people of Mesa care more that Russell isn't in (the Senate) than that Rich is, if you know what I mean...." Rich are you stepping aside because you know deep down in your heart that you can't win against Russell Pearce?
This from the man who didn't show up for 254 votes in the Arizona Legislature. From the man who was the president of the Mesa Public School Board at the same time he was serving in the legislature, yet didn't see the burden of decreasing student enrollment on Mesa Public Schools and their budget. Or the man who called his opponent daily in order to get Jame Molino to drop out of the race against him.
Rich Crandall is in this for him and not for the residents of Mesa Arizona.
As for Bob Worsley that is yet to be seen but if he is hooking up with the likes of Randy Parraz, Michael Wright, Tyler Montegue, Beth Coons, Jeff Flake, Kirk Adams and the open boarder crowd you better watch out because things will get dirty in a hurry.
PS. Bob is already sanitizing himself to make him look more electable shall we say.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Kirk Adams Got Caught, Who Else Will?
Kirk Adams got caught in a little red lie.Kirk just tell the truth. You can do that if you have nothing to hide. Matt Salmon doesn't have to lie about his contribution and supporters.
How the Left Works in Mesa
This from I think this is important because it shows and explains how the liberals operate when attacking people they don't agree with. Randy Parraz, Steve Lemons, Tyler Montague and their goons used these kinds of tactics during the recall election of Senator Russell Pearce during the recall election last November when they went after people and businesses which supported Russell Pearce.
Some of the people they went after with their lies trying to ruin them: Olivia Cortez, Pete's Fish-n-Chips, Norman's Watch Repair, Lester Pearce, Matt Tolman, Bruce Ross, Pat Oldrayd, Senator Pearce's family and others just to name a few.
I expect that your will see these similar kinds of attacks again from Randy Parraz and Citizen's for a Better Arizona. So watch out as the lies start to fly again from Randy, Chad, Tyler, Wright's and Clarkson's.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
By Nauticus
February is Black History Month. Now that it’s over you other colors can move from the back of the bus, you’ve had your annual heaping helping of Liberal Jim Crow. We’ve celebrated the skin color of 12% of the American population in a time when the content of ones character is supposed to be more important than the color of a person’s skin. Put the civil rights industry on full alert, Jesse Jackson will soon be done speechifying!
The Question, What is Russell Pearce Up To?
At the Red Mountain Tea Party on Monday March 19th, Senator Russell Pearce is going to announce what his plans are for the future. This is going to be very interesting to see. I for one will be in the audience to see what it will be. I will be interesting to see if Randy Parraz, Chad Snow, or any of the other progressive republicans in LD 18 or LD 19 will be present. It will also be interesting to see if the media will show up and push their way in. It is private property out there.
There has been lost of speculation as to what Russell might do. Some are saying that he will run for the senate again against the bipartisan Republican Rich Crandall, this would be another blood bath. Others think he may run for county board of supervisor; wouldn't that be blow to Randy Parraz, Chan Snow and Mary Rose Wilcox. Still other think that Sheriff Joe might step down and have Russell will run for Maricopa County Sheriff. Now Wouldn't that be something.
What every Russell Pearce decides to announce on Monday he will be well qualified for it. We will just have to wait and see.
There has been lost of speculation as to what Russell might do. Some are saying that he will run for the senate again against the bipartisan Republican Rich Crandall, this would be another blood bath. Others think he may run for county board of supervisor; wouldn't that be blow to Randy Parraz, Chan Snow and Mary Rose Wilcox. Still other think that Sheriff Joe might step down and have Russell will run for Maricopa County Sheriff. Now Wouldn't that be something.
What every Russell Pearce decides to announce on Monday he will be well qualified for it. We will just have to wait and see.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Is Mesa Being a Bully in The Fiesta Mall District?
We tell our children the being a Bully is a bad thing and that it should be reported. Schools are expelling kids they call Bullies and police are being called in other instances, as was the case with West Mesa's Senator Jerry Lewis's kids growing up.
Yet it appears that it is OK for government and it's different agencies to be Bullies. Case in point, the City of Mesa for years has been Bulling WM Grace Development Co. to do something with the property they own at Southern and Alma School in Mesa Arizona which at one time was the Fiesta Village Shopping Center.
As the area went into economic decline and with the over building of retail space in the area so did the property. The area can no longer support the amount of retail space that is available, yet the city of Mesa and Dennis Kavanaugh seem to think that it can.
In the City of Mesa's and Dennnis Kavanaugh's attempt to Bully the property owner, they are have filed additional complaints and now are using Adam Rolnick the owner of Oasis Insurance to once again attempt to Bully the property owner into submission. (Oasis Insurance make a lot of money off of insuring illegal immigrants car's and providing other services to illegal immigrants.)
What Dennis Kavanaugh and the City of Mesa fail to realize is that it is not governments role to dictate to the property owner what they can and can't do with their property no matter how much they disagree with how the property is being used. The City of Mesa has no constitutional authority to force a property owner to spend millions of dollars in revitalizing a property. The government does a good job of providing unfunded mandates.
The City of Mesa's role should be to provide a sound bases where economic development can prosper. If the City of Mesa is going to provide incentives to one developer, they should provide them to all property developers. The City of Mesa and Dennis Kavanaugh forget that it was the incentives to Marti Dorito, Kimco and River View which hastened the demise of the Fiesta Mall area. As the opponents to the incentives pointed out during that debate, the retailers in the Fiesta Mall area would move to River View and what did they do? They moved.
So if the City of Mesa and Mr. Kavanaugh want something done with the area give the Grace Company a reason to redevelop the area. Don't Bully them. With all the Bulling that they have done to date, has just cause Grace Company to dig in their heels.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Mesa's Senator Jerry Lewis Ranks as a Big Government Spender
The Pachyderm Coalitions is out with their Ranking of the Republican Legislators and guess what the Senator who was suppose to be just as conservative at Senator Russell Pearce, isn't so conservative.
Senator Jerry Lewis ranked as a Big Government Republican. fourth from the bottom in his scoring. The only Republican Senator in Mesa to score less was Lewis co-defendent Rich Crandall who scored at the bottom of the least as a bipartisan Republican.
Mesa's goes from having one of the most conservative Republicans to one of the most liberal Republicans.
I guess the "hand" has spoken and the only good thing about this is that we know Lewis true colors, oops the majority of Republicans already know this.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Senator Rich Crandall & Senator Jerry Lewis In Hip Pocket Of Unions
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Union Dues |
In a move of solidarity with Arizona Unions and as a thank you to Randy Parraz for the ouster of Senator Russell Pearce, Senator Rich Crandall and Senator Jerry Lewis drop their Republican values and side with unions in an attempting to block SB1484. Senator Crandall and Senator Lewis don't represent the people of Mesa but represent the values of Unions and Randy Parraz.
Senate Bill 1484 would required that each year an employee, who a member of a union, would have to elect to have their union dues automatically deducted from their pay check. There is a cost to government and other organization that do this, that cost should be born by the unions not the tax payers.
Unions we know from past experience are thugs and will do anything to bring down an individual or organization that opposes them. They have the power to do so because of money. Money that many times they get by coercing individuals to join them who do not want to. Arizona is a Right To Work State.
Look at Randy Parraz a union loyalist and former head of a labor organization and what he was able to do with union money in the recall election against Senator Pearce. They went after any and everybody that supported Senator Pearce, threatened legal action against some and actually took others to court purely to embarrass them.
This bill is all about the money for unions and those who support unions and make their living off unions, nothing more nothing less.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Mesa Keeping Revenue Generating Traffic Cameras!
The City of Mesa will be keeping Traffic Cameras for another two years. In a vote the Mesa City Council took this week, they voted to keep them. With a change of heart, Alex Finter who has been a critic in the past of these cameras is now calling for them to stay. He is even going so far as to say Mesa has a chance to make this a model program for the state and country to follow.
The program was implemented in 2006 after a Rhode Junior High student was killed in 2005 on Baseline Road. Police Commander Bill Peters say that the cameras have reduced traffic accidents at one intersection from 694 in 2005 to 370 in 2010. The police officer can't say for sure that the cameras have been the only reason for the decrease in accidents.
Are traffic cameras worth giving up your constitutional right and for what a little safety? The Police and the Mesa City Council want you to think so. Rights once given up are hard to take back.
Courts have started getting wise and so too is the public when it comes to Red Light Cameras, Speed Cameras and the other so called traffic safety cameras and rights. In most cases they are a big money scam for city's and most of the money doesn't go to city, to goes to the vendor.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Mesa Public Schools Wants You & Me To Digger A Little Deeper Into Our Pockets.
Mesa Public Schools is ready to ask the already struggling residents of Mesa to dig a little deeper into their pockets to the tune of $250 million dollars. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have much more room to dig. I'm afraid the next swing of the pick and I will go right through my pockets.
Of the last bond package which the school did in 2005 which was 212 million dollars, they are going to use the last remaining 1.9 million dollars to demolish the old Mesa Junior High. Something about using bond money for demolition of a school strikes me as kind of funny, it just doesn't feel right to use tax payer money to destroy rather than to build.
MPS says they need the money to make repairs to buildings and to upgrade the technology at the schools. I have a problem with that on a couple of fronts. First the bond repayment period will extend beyond the useful life of the technology and upgrades they will be buying. That is just bad money management, rule #1 of good money management is that the item you finance should give a return beyond the finance period and not by just one year. Technology is basically technology is obsolete after a couple of years not 20 or 30 years.
Next why is Mesa Schools using bond money for maintenance? I would think that a well planned out budget for Mesa Public Schools would included a line item for long term maintenance. Did someone forget to add a line item for that? If they did the budget director should be fired.
For years Mesa Public Schools has played loose with tax payer money and now it is time to Mesa residents to say NO to this next round of bonds. Let the economy recover and let me and you find a job before you stick it to us again.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Senator Russell Pearce Isn't Dead! He Is Alive!
After Senator Russell Pearce defeat in the recall election with Jerry H. Lewis, people thought that Russell would just quietly go away into retirement. There has been lots of speculation as to what Russell Pearce is going to do. The rumors started flying this week when Ken Bennett screwed up and make a comment about how Russell had filed papers for the LD25 district. Russell said that lots of people have asked him to run but he hasn't made that determination as of yet. That is a race I would like to see Senator Rich Crandall, a friend of Randy Parraz's and La Raza against Arizona own Senator Pearce.
As I understand it, he is enjoying the free time and is now enjoying a radio show on KFNX 1100 called "Ban Amnesty Now" it show airs on Monday nights from 7pm to 8pm. He discusses the issues surrounding illegal immigration and the cost to the people of Arizona an the United States.
So until Russell decide to run again we will have to listen in on the Radio.
Holiday For White People Proposed By Rep. Cecil Ash
Did Representative Cecil Ash of Mesa Arizona really propose a holiday for white people? Apparently so. Well why not we have a holiday for everybody else. If Randy Parraz, Chad Snow and Senator Jerry Lewis get their way we may just need one.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Mesa Senator Rich Crandall Beat Your Wife In Your Home
City of Mesa's Senator Rich Crandall last week told Senator Bungaard that if he is going to beat his wife, he should do it in his own home. How stupid can you be?
These are the words coming from a man or should I say a weasel, and sits on the boards of New Leaf, and Arizona Brain Food. New Leaf is an organization that helps those with domestic violence. If I was one of the other board members at New Leaf, I would be asking for him to step down.
Senator Crandall also sits on a board called Arizona Brain Food, which is run by women and provides food to school kids on the weekends. I would ask this board, is this really the kind of a man representing them before the public and children? What kind of example is he to the young people of this community?
These kinds of comments are totally unbecoming of an elected official as were the actions of Senator Bungaard. This is comparable to what Anthony Wiener did with his photo on Twitter and which was his demise as an elected official.
If I was Senator Crandall's wife and kids I would be totally embarrassed by these actions. If this is the kind of thing he says in public, what does he say about people in private?
I would ask you to call Senator Crandall's office and ask him to resign from the legislature. He can be reached at: (602) 926-3020
These are the words coming from a man or should I say a weasel, and sits on the boards of New Leaf, and Arizona Brain Food. New Leaf is an organization that helps those with domestic violence. If I was one of the other board members at New Leaf, I would be asking for him to step down.
Senator Crandall also sits on a board called Arizona Brain Food, which is run by women and provides food to school kids on the weekends. I would ask this board, is this really the kind of a man representing them before the public and children? What kind of example is he to the young people of this community?
These kinds of comments are totally unbecoming of an elected official as were the actions of Senator Bungaard. This is comparable to what Anthony Wiener did with his photo on Twitter and which was his demise as an elected official.
If I was Senator Crandall's wife and kids I would be totally embarrassed by these actions. If this is the kind of thing he says in public, what does he say about people in private?
I would ask you to call Senator Crandall's office and ask him to resign from the legislature. He can be reached at: (602) 926-3020
Friday, January 6, 2012
Principle of Freedom #15
The Highest Level of Prosperity Occurs when there is Free-market Economy and a Minimum of Government Regulation. - 15th Principle of Freedom
There is some politicking going in Downtown Mesa, that is being supported by the Downtown Mesa Association and councilman Chris Glover to remove competition in the market place.
Sam Clark who opened Lo Fi Coffee in downtown Mesa this year is complaining that he doesn't like a certain kind of completion, street vendors. So instead of bucking up and making his store more attractive and desirable he is going after what he calls his competition, the guy selling hot dogs on the corner.
The part that make this political is that he is using the city government to wipe out his competition.
There are four laws to economic freedom:
- The Freedom to try.
- The Freedom to buy.
- The Freedom to sell.
- The Freedom to fail.
It seems that David Short of the Downtown Mesa Association, Councilman Chris Glover and Sam Clark don't understand this four laws because they are pushing ahead to have street vendors banded from the downtown except when invited.
The City of Mesa role in this economic battle should be as the Founding Fathers viewed it. The greatest threat to economic prosperity is the arbitrary intervention of the government into the economic affairs of private business and the buying public.
There are four areas that are legitimate responsibility for the City of Mesa to be involved in:
- Illegal force
- Fraud
- Monopoly
- Debauchery
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Can Mesa Police Handle A Gun?
Can the president of one of Mesa's police unions handle a gun?
The answer is obviously yes, expect when it comes to talking with and about the residents of Mesa or the City.
Ryan Russell who is the president of one Mesa's two police unions, shouldn't be allowed to speak on behalf of the City of Mesa's police or at least he shouldn't be given a gun to carry on their behalf. Ryan's comments to the Mesa Tribune may just have cost him a couple of toes and the toes of a few other officers. Well maybe not literally.
Ryan, in his comments to the Meas Tribune, said that he was surprised that Mesa was ranked 7th as one of the safest cities to live in. He said that he is seeing just the opposite and that Mesa residents should be concerned with the direction the city's crimes are going.
The answer is obviously yes, expect when it comes to talking with and about the residents of Mesa or the City.
Ryan Russell who is the president of one Mesa's two police unions, shouldn't be allowed to speak on behalf of the City of Mesa's police or at least he shouldn't be given a gun to carry on their behalf. Ryan's comments to the Mesa Tribune may just have cost him a couple of toes and the toes of a few other officers. Well maybe not literally.
Ryan, in his comments to the Meas Tribune, said that he was surprised that Mesa was ranked 7th as one of the safest cities to live in. He said that he is seeing just the opposite and that Mesa residents should be concerned with the direction the city's crimes are going.
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