
Friday, January 6, 2012

Principle of Freedom #15

The Highest Level of Prosperity Occurs when there is Free-market Economy and a Minimum of Government Regulation. - 15th Principle of Freedom
There is some politicking going in Downtown Mesa, that is being supported by the Downtown Mesa Association and councilman Chris Glover to remove competition in the market place.

Sam Clark who opened Lo Fi Coffee in downtown Mesa this year is complaining that he doesn't like a certain kind of completion, street vendors. So instead of bucking up and making his store more attractive and desirable he is going after what he calls his competition, the guy selling hot dogs on the corner.

The part that make this political is that he is using the city government to wipe out his competition.

There are four laws to economic freedom:
  1. The Freedom to try.
  2. The Freedom to buy.
  3. The Freedom to sell.
  4. The Freedom to fail.
It seems that David Short of the Downtown Mesa Association, Councilman Chris Glover and Sam Clark don't understand this four laws because they are pushing ahead to have street vendors banded from the downtown except when invited.

The City of Mesa role in this economic battle should be as the Founding Fathers viewed it. The greatest threat to economic prosperity is the arbitrary intervention of the government into the economic affairs of private business and the buying public.
There are four areas that are legitimate responsibility for the City of Mesa to be involved in:
  1. Illegal force
  2. Fraud
  3. Monopoly
  4. Debauchery
Historically the City of Mesa has done a really poor job of supporting the four laws of Economic Freedom. Now the have have a chance to do the right thing and stay out of the economic battle.

1 comment:

  1. Agree 100%! I personally would like to see more vendors in downtown, especially on event days. Need more choices down there.
