
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jerry Lewis Undoing Immigration Reforms In Mesa

The winner of the recall race sponsored by Randy Parraz and the Progressive Democrats of Arizona, Jerry Lewis is intent on reversing the role of Arizona and Russell Pearce, and the role they have played in bringing the immigration debate to the forefront of the American people. Russell Pearce has done more to jump start meaningful conversation  on reforms and enforcement of immigration than any other individual.

In a story printed in the Arizona Republic, Jerry Lewis has indicated that he is intent on reversing the dismal image that Arizona has on a national level because of the passage of SB1070. In a debate between Senator Pearce and Jerry Lewis, Lewis called Arizona something akin to 1964 Alabama. When he said that, he got an unwelcome response from those in attendance and Pearce supporters picked up on that and carried it through the rest of the recall election.

On a side note: I think that was a stupid mistake on Lewis's part to make a comment like that. I think it is something that is going to follow him from this point on, just like his lies about using the LDS church leadership because of their positions.

One way that Lewis intends to do this is by embracing the Utah Compact and it's values. Lewis has also said, "We definitely need to allow those people (illegals) that are here, whose only crime is to be in our country without documentation, a pathway to square themselves with the law,"

The problem is the Utah Compact isn't endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, both of which Lewis and Pearce are members. The use of the church was a point of contention in the LDS community during the election. Both sided argued that the church had or had not take a position on immigration because no official statement was made by the First Presidency, President or Profit of the church, who is the only individual who speaks for the church as a whole. While the LDS church favors a compassionate approach to immigration, it has not taken a position one way or another on enforcement of immigration.

In fact it appears that Utah Compact was written by very liberal, open border organizations and individuals.Former Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson published a article titled Who Wrote the Utah Compact. In it she does a very good job of outlining how the Utah Compact came to be.

In any case it is going to be interesting to see if Jerry Lewis and listening approach to all sides is going to be able to reverse the dismal 1964 Alabama image that he says Arizona has. Time is going to tell. Take our poll on the side and tell us do you believe Arizona has the image Jerry Lewis says it does.

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