
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bob Worsley - "Everywhere" On YouTube

Bob Worsley has a new YouTube video out titled Bob Worsley - "Everywhere" and I have to ask the question, "What is it suppose to tell us?" Watch the video and then I will give you my thoughts.

Now I ask again. What is Bob Worsley trying to tell us in this video? That he is everywhere? So what. Where cares if he is down by the river, or in the middle of the desert or in the car wash. He still isn't telling Mesa voters what his plans to do down at the legislature, how he would balance the budget, protect Mesa voters from the crimes and death committed by illegals.

I want to know his understanding to the constitution, states rights, gun control, education, taxes and a whole lot of other issues. I could care less about him being everywhere. I've been to everyplace he has and so what, so has Russell Pearce.

Little giggles and song may sell items on airplanes, on websites and shopping malls but it doesn't get legislation done.

One other thing, who cares if the Phoenix Chambers of Commerce supports you, that is Phoenix not Mesa.

Get real Bob Worsley, talk about the issues not that you have been everywhere!