One of the organizations established by Dave Richins, a sitting City of Mesa council member, is the West Mesa Community Development Corporation (WMCDC). The WMCDC is an offshoot of Mesa Grande Community Alliance which is made up of neighbors in far Northwest corner of Mesa Arizona.
The Mesa Grande Community Alliance was originally established to create a collaborative visions which would go beyond what one party could do in dealing with issues in West Mesa. The organization had no funding and the City of Mesa would not just hand over funds to them. They created along with Dave Richins a community development corporation which could apply for tax payer funds to promote and do projects in West Mesa. Dave Richins was the first executive director for WMCDC and was compensated nicely to the tune $85,000 during his last year as director, that was before he ran and won a seat on the Mesa City Council.
Dave Richins for the most part did a great job running the CDC and when he left, it was in good shape. It was renting space from Banner Hospital for a $1.00 and then re-renting space it didn't need to others and covering it's operating cost. However the new executive director, the board of the CDC brought in, Jo Ellen McNamara, ran the organization into the ground. She didn't file timely reports, ran off the tenants, and almost cost the organization funding, besides turning off residents. The board of directors realized what was going on but did nothing to fix the problems.
Behind Closed Doors In Mesa Arizona - What You Won't Hear From Your Neighbors Next Door.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It's OK To Be Racist In West Mesa Now!
Mesa Junior High is closing at the end of the school years and it seems the only ones who care are West Mesa residents. Not because their students go their, but because of what it will do to test scores and the quality of education.
Didn't this group of people just out Russell Pearce because he was to harsh on illegal immigration and the Hispanic people?
Some of Russell Pearce's biggest critics the Montague family and the Wright family are now the ones saying wait a minute, we don't want to dump these students into Kino Junior High and Carson Junior High, they will bring down the test scores and the neighborhoods
Here is a portion of an email from a Montague family member sent the neighbors and school board members.
This very racist, especially from people who just weeks ago called for a kinder, gentler approach to dealing with the Hispanic people when they voted Jerry Lewis to be their new Senator
I guess it's OK to be racist in West Mesa NOW!
Didn't this group of people just out Russell Pearce because he was to harsh on illegal immigration and the Hispanic people?
Some of Russell Pearce's biggest critics the Montague family and the Wright family are now the ones saying wait a minute, we don't want to dump these students into Kino Junior High and Carson Junior High, they will bring down the test scores and the neighborhoods
Here is a portion of an email from a Montague family member sent the neighbors and school board members.
Parents/Neighbors,On Tuesday night December 6th, Stephanie Wright had this to say:
As many of you are aware, Mesa Public Schools is currently in the process of making changes to the boundaries to all of the junior highs that boarder Mesa and Brimhall due to their closure at the end of the school year. (To see the current proposal click here.) According to the numbers that are being provided, the AIMS scores for Kino will drop by roughly 4%. (Click here to see attendance numbers and AIMS percentages.) Like many of you, my wife and I chose to purchase our home where we did based on the neighborhood and the schools to which my kids will be attending now and in the future. This is because the neighborhood school is a direct reflection on the neighborhood itself.......
If a school is performing and doing well, the neighborhood is vibrant. It has a detrimental effect if you take the strength of one school and start piecemealing it out.Ms. Wright also suggested that the district look at other option which wouldn't hurt the other West Mesa students.
This very racist, especially from people who just weeks ago called for a kinder, gentler approach to dealing with the Hispanic people when they voted Jerry Lewis to be their new Senator
I guess it's OK to be racist in West Mesa NOW!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Mesa Compact - Is it Coming
Is there a Mesa Compact on the horizon in Mesa's the near future? Maybe so given the Mesa's Council meeting last night. I appears that there are four votes needed to pass such a measure on the council, they are: Dave Richins, Alex Finter, Dina Higgins and Dennis Kavanaugh.
Last night at the Mesa City Council meeting Randy Parraz fresh off his victory over Russell Pearce presented in-conjunction with East Valley Patriots for American Values (play on words) presented a new proposed revised Mesa Compact. The faith based group as they claim want to change the tone of discussion on the issue of immigration.
They want to make it more friendly and less harsh of a discussion. This sounds vaguely familiar to Randy Parraz and his cohort Jerry Lewis in the recall election. As we remember it was this very same discussion that ripped through Mesa during the heated debate between the Jerry Lewis (1964 Alabama) supporters and Russell Pearce (American Patriot) supporters. One group wanting the enforcement of laws and the other the turning of cheek, like Christ did.
It was also during this debate that Randy Parraz and his supporters went out of their way to to defame anybody who supported Russell Pearce or who even wanted to run in the election. It was Randy Parraz, Michael Wright and Tom Rayn basically who sought to take away people first amendment right of free speech by filing bogus lawsuits.
So as this debate goes forward and people come forward in support of or opposition to a Mesa Compact if Randy Parraz will bully any council member who doesn't support the compact.
If you want to express your opinions to the council members you can do so at these emails:
Mayor Scott Smith
Dave Richens**
Alex Finter**
Dennis Kavanaugh**
Christopher Glover
Dina Higgins**
Vice Mayor - Scott Somers
Last night at the Mesa City Council meeting Randy Parraz fresh off his victory over Russell Pearce presented in-conjunction with East Valley Patriots for American Values (play on words) presented a new proposed revised Mesa Compact. The faith based group as they claim want to change the tone of discussion on the issue of immigration.
They want to make it more friendly and less harsh of a discussion. This sounds vaguely familiar to Randy Parraz and his cohort Jerry Lewis in the recall election. As we remember it was this very same discussion that ripped through Mesa during the heated debate between the Jerry Lewis (1964 Alabama) supporters and Russell Pearce (American Patriot) supporters. One group wanting the enforcement of laws and the other the turning of cheek, like Christ did.
It was also during this debate that Randy Parraz and his supporters went out of their way to to defame anybody who supported Russell Pearce or who even wanted to run in the election. It was Randy Parraz, Michael Wright and Tom Rayn basically who sought to take away people first amendment right of free speech by filing bogus lawsuits.
So as this debate goes forward and people come forward in support of or opposition to a Mesa Compact if Randy Parraz will bully any council member who doesn't support the compact.
If you want to express your opinions to the council members you can do so at these emails:
Mayor Scott Smith
Dave Richens**
Alex Finter**
Dennis Kavanaugh**
Christopher Glover
Dina Higgins**
Vice Mayor - Scott Somers
Federalist Papers 1
It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force
Friday, December 2, 2011
U.S. Constitution & Sharia Law
The U. S. Constitution and Sharia Law
Throughout the history of this world there
really have only been two kinds of law. We have given these systems of law very
descriptive and easy names to remember. They are Rulers' Law and People's Law.
Every legal system can fit under one of these two broad banners. Under Ruler's
Law, the king or dictator makes the law. Under People's Law, the people make or
accept the law by which they live. It is interesting that some of the most
dominant kinds of legal systems have come about when it is claimed to emanate
from God. Under Ruler's Law, if the ruler can make the people believe he has a
divine right to rule, he can persuade the people to do about anything and the
use of force becomes acceptable to many people if done in the name of God. Under
People's Law, as was the case in Ancient Israel, when the people accepted
Jehovah as their King and accepted His laws as their laws, it had a powerful
persuasiveness to right actions. The major differe nce was that there was no use
of force. Not even God would force a leader or laws on a people they did not
willingly accept, because He respects the agency of man. Religion has been a
powerful force throughout history in either types of law.
In following the example of Ancient Israel,
America's Founders set forth laws based on the laws of nature and of nature's
God. It has catapulted the United States to an unmatched position as the most
prosperous and freest nation on earth.
Now we are faced with the same kind of threat
that has been seen in the past-a system of compulsory laws which has the use of
force at its very core and which claims to emanate from God. It is called Sharia
In 2010, an exhaustive study was published by a
group of top security policy experts concerned with the preeminent totalitarian
threat of our time: the legal-political-military doctrine known within Islam as
Shariah. The study was designed to provide a "second opinion" on the official
assessments of this threat as put forth by the United States government, which
assessments included co-existence, accommodation, and even submission. By
permission, much of the following is taken from this study.
What is Sharia?
The Arabic word "shariah," according to one
modern English-language student textbook on Islam, "literally means a straight
path (Quran 45:18) or an endless supply of water. It is the term used to
describe the rules of the lifestyle ordained by Allah. In more practical terms,
shariah includes all the do's and don'ts of Islam." In other words, shariah is
held by mainstream Islamic authorities - not to be confused with "radical,"
"extremist" or "political" elements said to operate at the fringes of Islam - to
be the perfect expression of divine will and justice and thus is the supreme law
that must comprehensively govern all aspects of Muslims' lives, irrespective of
when or where they live. Shariah is characterized as a "complete way of life"
(social, cultural, military, religious, and political), governed from cradle to
grave by Islamic law.
While there are a few additional sources for
sharia, the most notable and authoritative is the Quran. In Islamic parlance,
the Quran is considered to be the uncreated word of Allah. According to Muslim
belief, it has existed since the beginning of time and was revealed by the
Archangel Gabriel in the 7th Century to the Prophet Mohammed in the Arabic
language of his homeland. It is interesting to note that the verses in the Quran
are not compiled in chronological order of revelations but are organized from
longest to shortest. This presents confusion in trying to read the Quran. Also,
there is really no central authority to clarify or interpret the versus, so many
are left to their own understanding of the writings.
While many, many millions of Muslims around the
world do not practice their faith in a manner consistent with shariah, those who
do practice shariah have grounds for arguing that their version of Islam is the
authoritative one because of the Islamic doctrine of abrogation-which holds that
the later verses supersedes or abrogates the earlier ones. As a result, the
later verses become much more violent and forceful in relation to non-Muslims.
For example:
"Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever ye
find them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. But if they
repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open
the way for them; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (Q 9:5)
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the
Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His
Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, even if they are of the people
of the Book [meaning Christians and Jews], until they pay the jizya [taxes on
non-Muslims] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Q 9:29)
Shariah is Anti-Constitutional
Whether pursued through the violent form of
jihad (holy war) or stealthier practices that shariah Islamists often refer to
as "dawa" (the "call to Islam"), shariah rejects fundamental premises of
American society and values:
the bedrock proposition that the governed have a right to make law for themselves;
the democratic republic governed by the Constitution;
freedom of conscience; individual liberty
freedom of expression (including the liberty to analyze and criticize shariah);
economic liberty (including private property);
equal treatment under the law (including that of men and women, and of Muslims and non-Muslims);
freedom from cruel and unusual punishments; an unequivocal condemnation of terrorism (i.e., one that is based on a common sense meaning of the term and does not rationalize barbarity as legitimate "resistance"); and
an abiding commitment to deflate and resolve political controversies by the ordinary mechanisms of our democratic republic, not wanton violence. The subversion campaign known as "civilization jihad" must not be confused with, or tolerated as, a constitutionally protected form of religious practice. Its ambitions transcend what American law recognizes as the sacrosanct realm of private conscience and belief. It seeks to supplant our Constitution with its own totalitarian framework.
America's Founders and Islam
America's earliest presidents best understood
these founding principles. They were not only deeply involved with their formal
adoption, but they were professionally competent in explaining them. When
confronted with an Islamic threat, they took the effort to consult primary
sources and to conduct competent analysis of that threat.
In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, ambassador to
France, and John Adams, ambassador to England, met with the emissary of the
Islamic potentates of Tripoli to Britain, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, regarding
the demands for tribute being made at the time by the so-called Barbary
Afterwards, Jefferson and Adams sent a
four-page report to the Congress describing this meeting. The relevant portion
of their report reads:
"We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation."The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their prophet, that it was written in their Qur'an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."
John Adams' son and our sixth president, John
Quincy Adams, whose formative years coincided with the founding of the republic,
offers further insights into the early presidents' views on this subject. Like
many Americans, he took an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution from
all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, when faced with an Islamic enemy, he
understood his obligation to be educated on the factual aspects of the
principles, doctrines, objectives, jurisprudence and theology of shariah that
comprised his enemy's threat doctrine.
John Quincy Adams' 136-page series of essays on
Islam displayed a clear understanding of the threat facing America then - and
now, especially from the permanent Islamic institutions of jihad and dhimmitude.
Regarding these two topics, Adams states:
"...[Mohammed] declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind.... The precept of the Quran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that [Mohammed] is the prophet of God."The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute. As the essential principle of [Mohammed's] faith is the subjugation of others by the sword; it is only by force, that his false doctrines can be dispelled, and his power annihilated."The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force."This appeal to the natural hatred of the Mussulmen towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Quran. The document [the Quran] does not attempt to disguise it, nor even pretend that the enmity of those whom it styles the infidels, is any other than the necessary consequence of the hatred borne by the Mussulmen to them - the paragraph itself, is a forcible example of the contrasted character of the two religions."The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies. There is no denomination of Christians, which denies or misunderstands this doctrine. All understand it alike - all acknowledge its obligations; and however imperfectly, in the purposes of Divine Providence, its efficacy has been shown in the practice of Christians, it has not been wholly inoperative upon them. Its effect has been upon the manners of nations. It has mitigated the horrors of war - it has softened the features of slavery - it has humanized the intercourse of social life. The unqualified acknowledgement of a duty does not, indeed, suffice to insure its performance. Hatred is yet a passion, but too powerful upon the hearts of Christians. Yet they cannot indulge it, except by the sacrifice of their principles, and the conscious violation of their duties. No state paper from a Christian hand, could, without trampling the precepts of its Lord and Master, have commenced by an open proclamation of hatred to any portion of the human race. The Ottoman lays it down as the foundation of his discourse."
In conclusion, it is clear from the writings of
several of our earliest presidents, as well as the texts of the nation's
founding documents, that American principles are not at odds with - and
imperiled by - some "radical" or "extreme" version of Islam. Rather, it is the
mainstream doctrine of shariah that constitutes the threat to the U.S.
Constitution and the freedoms it enshrines. That incompatibility has several
practical implications: For one thing, the shariah legal code cannot be
insinuated into America - even through stealthy means or democratic processes -
without violating the Constitution's Article VI Supremacy Clause, which requires
that the Constitution "shall be the supreme Law of the land."
Even more reprehensible is the willingness of
some among America's elites, and it would appear even a subset of its elected
leaders, to accede to these groups' increasingly insistent contention that
shariah is compatible with the U.S. Constitution. In fact, based on shariah's
tenets, its core attributes - especially its intolerance of other faiths and
disfavored populations and its bid for supremacy over all other legal or
political systems, there can be no confusion on this score: As the Framers fully
understood, shariah is an enemy of the United States Constitution. The two are
Earl Taylor, Jr.
Source: Guandolo, John; Gaffney, Frank; Lopez,
Clare; McCarthy, Andrew; Cooper, Henry; Brim, Christine; Del Rosso, Michael;
Coughlin, Stephen; Woolsey, Jim; Boykin, William (2010-09-22). Shariah: The
Threat to America. Center for Security Policy Press. Kindle Edition.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Who Supported Jerry Lewis In Recall
The Jerry Lewis has posted his post elections campaign reports and it is interesting to see who supported him with campaign donations. Here is a link a the Arizona SOS office for the Lewis campaign reports.
Follow the Money they say!
Noted people in Mesa and Phoenix.
- Stephen West, Attorney, Udall Shumway & Lyons
- Stephanie Wright, Realtor, Board directors West Mesa CDC
- Tom Cattey, drop out candidate for LD 18
- Tom Irvine, Attorney, election laws
- Don Stapley, Maricopa County Board of Supervisor, sitting supervisor
- Tom Wright
- Andy Stewart, Mormon Bishop
- Terry Benelli, Executive Dir. of Mesa Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation.
- John Linton & Mila Linton, former Mormon stake councilor, and owner of Milnos Piano
- Frank Bennett, Bennett Realty and Property Management
- Chad Coons, Farnsworth family and businesses
- Clint Smith, Mormon Stake President
- Larry John Wright advertising - 231 N. Alma School
- Wright House - reception hall - University
- Sign King of Arizona - 325 S. Westwood
- Americopy - 856 E. Main Street
- David Johnson - Chief of Staff, Maricopa County Communications
- Steven Peterson - Mesa Public School Board Member
- Anson Clarkson - Staff Congressman Jeff Flakes office
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